Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 2- mas guad y la voyage a Vallarta (more Guadalajara and the voyage to Puerto Vallarta)

The next morning I slept until about 10 the house maid had come in the morning to prep the house for the families return. I got out of bed, put on my running shoes and went for a small 3 mile jog around the nice, quiet neighborhood. After that I returned to the house and Mari, the maid offered to make me desyuno. She made me eggs and ham with some toast and it was delicious. After that I decided it was time for a shower and then went on foot to explore the local plaza del sol to check out shops and kill time before the family came home around 330. I went and looked at suits because at the time I was thinking about buying one for new years. It turns out that most clothing and textiles can be found cheaper in the US than is Mexico. It was about two and thought it should be time to get some lunch and had scouted out an area that had some good restaurants so  I strolled on over and quickly decided on a little whole in the wall called tacos el paso. There were other locals who where eating there during their lunch break and I took a look at the specials posted on the sidewalk and decided on a torta al pastor, and two taco el Durango. The torta had a special kick that can only be found in that area. it was a torta ahogadas, or a "drowned" sandwich. A light tomato sauce was poured over it and was served with a spoon. After looking around and seeing what the other customers were doing, I decided it wouldn't be acceptable to try to use my hands, no matter how hungry i was by that point. The food was amazing and even more amazingly cheap. I paid 28 pesos for the tortas and tacos, another 12 pesos for the horchata the standard 10% porpina (tip). It came out to 40 plus tip. That comes out to about $3.50!

After lunch I walked home and found Mari, the maid still doing some work. I went out on the amazing patio and did some reading and tanning since I'm about as white as a ghost.

Matt, Stephanie, and her family arrived later that day from Monterrey later that evening. Neto came by in his car and picked us up. We hit the road about 1800 for the 4 hour drive to Puerto Vallarta.

We arrived later that evening to Carlos's place. We walked down the block to a little taco shop where we had some great al pastor (pork) tacos.

We laid low that night and went to bed at a decent hour in preparation for a big weekend. 

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