Sunday, September 26, 2010

5 flights left!

At this point in time, I am able to count my remaining flights with just one hand! I now only have 5 flights left and should be done with the UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) in as little as a week from today! This is assuming all goes well and I don't try to do anything dumb in the airplane. Two weeks from Friday, I will "drop" my next assignment which includes finding out where I'll be going and what airframe I'll be flying. Currently, I'm trying to get outside of the 48 states. I know I'll be happy flying whatever airframe I get and know I'll enjoy the mission, so pretty much as this point, I can't loose, I win no matter what.

My first choice (today at least) is the C-21 to Ramstein AB, in Germany. After that I'd like KC-135s to Hawaii, England, Japan, and then the domestic places. The reason why I'm so anxious to get out of the 48 is because I don't have any dependents so I don't need to worry about finding a good school for children and I want to see as much of the world that I can while I'm still young. All of this is also dependent on what is simply available for our individual drop. So I'll have to just do the best I can and see what happens...

1 comment:

keSF said...