Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time is flying by... No pun intended

Alright I've been slacking in the update department again. I've finally got some time after a busy busy month. I've had big events (a flight or simulator) everyday workday except three for all of August. Last week was my Navigation check ride, basically the biggest exam of pilot training for those not familiar with the curriculum. I passed and was able to take a deep breath, then get in the jet the next day and do something totally different, formation flying. It's quite a bit different from from T-6 formation and it makes a lot more sense than how we did it in T-6s. T-6s felt like I was putting an air show on for nobody, here in the T-1, its more about mutual support and maximizing the potential of the jet. We are actually doing it up about 20,000 feet at the moment, but this is just for training to do it 500 feet above the ground in a week or two where we will be simulating going undetected into hostile territory to make an air drop. It should be pretty sweet. Last month we took our "hero shot" photos, here it is:

 Oh yea, August 25th I made 1st Lt :)

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