Wednesday, March 10, 2010

T-6 Sim Complete!

Just a quick update, they  have been double turning me like crazy this week an already have 5 events done and have another 2 flights tomorrow. One of the flights is my second to last instrument ride before my instrument check ride, the other flight is my first "low level" flight that is only 500 ft above the ground at 210 knots. It's supposed to simulate going under the radar if you needed to sneak in somewhere undetected.

Today I had my last T-6 simulator which I feel like is a pretty big deal since I'm also done with academics so the only events I have left are flights, 23 of them as of the end of today. If both of my scheduled flights happen tomorrow, I'll be down to 21! I feel like a little kid counting down the days till his birthday.

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