Saturday, October 10, 2009

4 Day weekend!

After a seemingly unending Monday through Thursday, the week finally came to an end. This week we had 2 academic tests and two simulator rides. Both the tests went well, although not 100s:( The great news is that Friday was "Wingman Day" where the base commander decided to have a no-fly day with a base-wide picnic. In the morning we had a commander's call where out squadron commander talked about some issues that the base as a whole has been having, and how we need to look out for each other in those circumstances. On Fridays a locally owned restaurant flies out fresh fish from Hawaii so some friends and I decided to try the shark tacos, they were excellent.

So that was yesterday. Today a friend and I went back to the Pecos River for some more jet-skiing. The photos attached aren't ones that we took (although they do make me want to look into an underwater camera), but are the exact same areas we were exploring/spelunking, looking at different Native American drawings and scaring the mountain goats on the banks as we roared up the mighty river.

Well I'm off to enjoy some salmon and stir fried squash, have a great weekend!

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